Talks and posters


23. Stephens T. G., Kulczyk A. W., and Bhattacharya D. Cosmopolitan gene families with known functions are hotspots for the evolution of novel genes in stony corals. 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. 26-30 July 2024, Montreal, Canada. [talk]

22. Stephens T. G., Etten J. V., McDermott T. R., and Bhattacharya D. Cyanidiophyceae: The Extremophilic Red Algae That Underpin Hot Spring Microbial Communities In Yellowstone National Park. Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference 2024. 12-14th April 2024, Marine Biological Laboratory, Massachusetts, USA. [poster]

21. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Exploring the origin and evolution of primary plastids using Paulinella as a model system. RUMP Annual Retreat 2024. 16th March 2024, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. [poster]


20. Stephens T. G., Etten J. V., Benites L. F., Mcdermott T., and Bhattacharya D. Cyanidiophyceae: The extremophilic red algae that underpin hot spring microbial communities in Yellowstone National Park. UQ Marine Ecogenomics Symposium 2023. 13-14 December 2023, University of Queensland, Australia. [talk]

19. Stephens T. G., Etten J. V., Benites L. F., Mcdermott T., and Bhattacharya D. Cyanidiophyceae: The extremophilic red algae that underpin hot spring microbial communities in Yellowstone National Park. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Seminar, Rutgers University. [talk]

18. Stephens T. G., Chille E., Wong K., Andrade N., Hulett R., Cleves P., Bhattacharya D., Traylor-Knowles N. Shining a light on “dark” proteins in corals. NSF EDGE PI Meeting 2023. 10-11th October 2023, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. [poster]

17. Stephens T. G., Chille E., Wong K., Andrade N., Hulett R., Cleves P., Bhattacharya D., Traylor-Knowles N. Shining a light on “dark” proteins in corals. From Postdoc to Principal Investigator: An NSF Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) Virtual Colloquium 2023. 13-14th September 2023, Virtual. [talk]

16. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Exploring the origin and evolution of primary plastids using Paulinella as a model system. International Society of Endocytobiology conference 2023. 10-14th September 2023, Field Museum, Chicago. [talk]

15. Stephens T. G., Chille E., Strand E. L., Putnam H. M., and Bhattacharya D. Multi-omics investigation of coral resilience. Invited talk at Carnegie Plant Biology Seminar, August 2023. 25th August 2023, Carnegie Department of Plant Biology, Stanford University, USA. [talk]

14. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Exploring the origin and evolution of primary plastids using Paulinella as a model system. JGI Annual User Meeting 2023. 21-24th August 2023, JGI, Berkeley, California, USA. [poster]

13. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Exploring the origin and evolution of primary plastids using Paulinella as a model system. New Phytologist Next Generation Scientists Conference 2023. 3rd July 2023, National University of Singapore, Singapore. [talk]

12. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Exploring endosymbiosis and biotic interactions using niche, non-model algae. Invited talk at SCMB GenGen/ACE Special Seminar. 10th January 2023, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. [talk]


11. Stephens T. G., Williams A., Shumaker A., and Bhattacharya D. Integration of multi-omics coral data under thermal stress . 4th Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Health. 4th November 2022, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. [talk]

10. Stephens T. G., Strand E. L., Putnam H. M., and Bhattacharya D. Differences in ploidy and the prevalence of clonal propagation between Montipora capitata and Pocillopora acuta from Kane’ohe Bay, Hawai’i. 15th International Coral Reef Symposium. 3-8th July 2022, Bremen, Germany. [talk]

9. Stephens T. G., Etten J. V., McDermott T., and Bhattacharya D. Analysis of environmental meta-omics data from the extremophilic red algae Cyanidiophyceae. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 14-20th May, 2022, Grand Rapids, USA. [talk]


8. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Insights into the evolution of a primary endosymbiosis through analysis of the Paulinella genome. 75th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America. 13-22nd July 2021, online. [talk]

7. Stephens T. G., Calatrava V., Gabr A., Grossman A., and Bhattacharya D. Insights into the evolution of a primary endosymbiosis through analysis of the Paulinella genome. 12th International Phycological Congress. 22-26th March 2021, Chile. [talk]


6. Stephens T. G., Bhattacharya D., Ragan M. A., and Chan C. X. Polarella genomics: understanding the evolutionary transition to algal symbiosis and cold adaptation. Joint Academic Microbiology Seminars (JAMS). 9th April 2019, Brisbane, Australia. [talk]


5. Stephens T. G., Bhattacharya D., Ragan M. A., and Chan C. X. Polarella genomics: understanding the evolutionary transition to algal symbiosis and cold adaptation. Botany Department, Biosciences Institute, University of Sao Paulo. 14th December 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil. [talk]

4. Stephens T. G., Bhattacharya D., Ragan M. A., and Chan C. X. Polarella genomics: understanding the evolutionary transition to algal symbiosis and cold adaptation. 2nd Bioenergy Workshop, UNESP-USP-UNICAMP Integrated Postgraduate Program in Bioenergy, Institute for Research in Bioenergy, State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP). 6th December 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil. [talk]

3. Stephens T. G., Bhattacharya D., Ragan M. A., and Chan C. X. Polarella genomics: understanding cold adaptation and evolutionary transition to symbiosis in dinoflagellates. Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution (SMBE) annual meeting 2018, 8-12th July 2018, Yokohama, Japan. [poster]


2. Stephens T. G., Bhattacharya D., Ragan M. A. and Chan C. X. Insights into coral reef symbiosis from the genome of cold-adapted algae. EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium 2017, 29th November-1st December 2017, Sydney, Australia. [talk]


1. Stephens T. G., Chan C. X., and Ragan M. Polarella genomics: understanding the evolutionary transition to algal symbiosis and cold adaptation, IMB Research Higher Degree Student Symposium, 13th Jul 2016, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. [poster]